
Call For More Information About Vertical Movement Systems™


It all starts with our youth, and nothing more important than keeping them healthy and safe. G-NAT™ Vertical Movement Systems™ are designed to maximize the physiological response to exercise in as little time as possible with no threat to the growth plate.

Being a Physical Education Teacher is one of the most challenging professions around. With the growing Obesity epidemic, funding and dedicated time for PE has decreased and it’s becoming more difficult to motivate today’s youth to embrace physical activity.

There’s no better way to keep Educators and Students excited about PE than with G-NAT™ Vertical Movement Systems™ (VMS™). G-NAT™ is the only multi-dimensional piece of fitness equipment available and allows for unlimited programming potential for teachers as it creates thousands of exercises and movements. G-NAT™ is a proven way to enhance your Physical Education program, from start to finish.

With G-NAT, You Become The Machine!

Why G-NAT™ Vertical Movement Systems™?

Vertical Movement Systems™ empower teachers with the ability to create new and specific functional movements for students. It also allows students to comfortably and safely learn and improve on basic movements of the body.

Vertical Movement™ activate every muscle in the body and works to flush, fortify, expand, and contract every muscle throughout the vertical movements.

Vertical Movement™ decompresses all the joints in the body from finger tip to toe, except those in the neck. Great for children as it does not threaten the growth plates.

Brain training is a strong benefit of Vertical Training. All the muscles in the body are forced to connect to the brain and the inner ear simultaneously improving balance, coordination, speed and agility. Vertical Movement™ creates circulation to all of the muscles in the body, and reboots the brain, improving mental performance.

How G-NAT™ Supports You

Team G-NAT™, composed of fitness and physical education experts, will guide you along the entire process-from equipment selection and room design to training and implementation best practices. Allow G-NAT™ to help make your PE Program a successful reality.

The G-NAT™ Advantage

Vertical Movement™ is already implemented in some of the most progressive school districts, including Denver Public Schools and the New Haven School District.

With a single piece of equipment, Educators can develop programs to build strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular fitness, power, and core body development. These are crucial fitness requirements for building a solid foundation of fitness in our youth.

For additional information on G-NAT (Global Neuromuscular Activation Technology), how it works, and more information on the science, please visit the following links.